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[Eng] Rate Query

Screen Name

Rate Query

Log in – Front Office – Rate Query


The Rate Query screen allows you to search, look up and view which rates are available for each room type on any given arrival date, departure date and number of guests. You can also create a new reservation from this screen.


Fields Description


Allows to search rates by following criteria:

  • Date Range: Staying dates of guests (from - to)

  • Adl.: Numbers of adults

  • Chld.: Number of children

  • No. of Infant: Number of infants

  • Rate Codes: Rate code of the reservation. You can search for a specific rate or leave if empty if you want to look up all available rates.

  • Distribution channel: Distribution channel available for this property, select from the Channels list of values. The system will display the rate codes and available rooms for this channel.

Search Results

The result displays the following information:

  • Room type: Current room types that are opening to sell

  • Physical Rooms: Total physical rooms of this property

  • Available Rooms: Total available rooms that are opening to sell

  • The result is displayed by a grid of columns and rows:

    • The room types are displayed on the column

    • The applied rate codes are displayed on the row

  • Rate amount: The rate code is queried and displayed for each room type and rate code. You can double-click on each cell to create a new reservation.

  • Rate Display: You can choose to display the total rates of the staying or the average rate of the reservation

    • Total rates: Total price of the reservation for all staying dates

    • Average rate: Average rate for 1 room night

  • Rate Description: Description of the selected rate

Selected rooming list

The rooming list is displayed on the summary right side bar with the following information:

  • Number of selected rooms

  • Date Range: staying dates (from date - to date)

  • Room Type & Rate Code

  • No. of Room: number of rooms for each couple Room - Rate

  • Adl.: number of adults

  • Chld.: number of children

  • Infant: number of infants

  • Total Price: total price of the reservation

  • Actions:

(1) Clear All: Remove all the rooms from the list

(2) Remove (trash icon): Remove a room from the list

(3) Change the information about the room or the number of guests

  • Create Reservation: Go to the next step to proceed with the booking. See New Reservation


If you have already added a room into the rooming list and then modify the search query, the system will notify you of the message below and clear all the rooming list to restart the booking from scratch.

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