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[Eng] Reservations

Screen Name


Open Li

Log in – Channel Manager – Reservations


The screen provides the list of reservations from the distribution channels.


Fields Description

  • Select Property: Select from the Properties list of values

  • OTA ID: ID of the reservation. You can click on the header to sort the list by alphabetic or search by a specific OTA ID.

  • Status: Status of the reservation

    • Create: The reservation is created/reserved

    • Amend: The reservation is changed

    • Canceled: The reservation is canceled

  • Channel: Distribution Channel. Enter the channel to filter the list of reservations.

  • Rate Code: Rate code associated with the reservation

  • Booking Time: You can sort the list by created date

  • Check-in: Check-in date of the reservation

  • Check-out: Check-out date of the reservation

  • Guest: Name of the main guest

  • Total Amount: Total amount of the reservation

  • PMS Status: Status of the reservation from the PMS system

    • New: The reservation is created

    • Pending: The system is processing the reservation

    • Processed: The process is completed

    • Failed: The process has failed

    • Ignored: Reservation is ignored

  • Actions:

    • Clear all filters: Clear all the selected filters

    • Download Excel: Download the list of reservations to Excel file

Reservation details

Select the Reservation ID to open the Reservation Detail

  • Tab Reservation Detail

  • Tab Cloud HMS



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