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[Eng] Rooms Management

Screen Name

Rooms Management

Log in – Channel Manager – Rooms Management


The screen allows you to distribute and manage the restriction of rate plan for the distribution channel.


Fields Description


  • Select Property: Select the property that you have access to

  • Search criteria:

    • Search by DC

    • Search by Room Type

    • Search by Rate Plan

  • Clear all filters: Clear all selected filters

  • The rooms are distributed by date, select the date on the calendar that you want to display

Detailed information

  • Physical avail: display the number of physical rooms that are available for the DC

  • SITEMINDER avail: display the number of available rooms for SITEMINDER channel

Update the number of limited rooms that are opened to sell by channel

  • Update for a specific room type and date

    • Select the Channel for the Room Type that you want to update

    • Click on the cell (corresponds to the room type and the specific date), enter the number of rooms

    • Select Save to confirm or Reset to skip the changes

  • Quick Bulk Update for a date range

    • Select the Channel for the Room Type that you want to update

    • Select the “Quick Bulk Update” icon to open the bulk update popup

    • Enter the number of rooms and the date range that you want to update

    • Select Save to confirm or Cancel to skip the changes

If the new value is greater than Max available rooms, the number of sellable rooms will be set by the Max available.

Bulk update for the Room Type - Rate Plan by DC

Select Bulk Update to update multiple room types and rate plans

  • Select the distribution channel

  • Select Restriction:

    • Stop Sell: Set stop sell for the room types and rate plans on this channel

    • CTA - Closed To Arrival: If the "Closed To Arrival" option is set for a date, the guest cannot make the reservation if the guest arrives on this day. If the CTA date is included in the staying date of the reservation, but the arrival is not equal to the CTA date, the guest is still allowed to book the reservation.

    • CTD - Closed To Departure: If the "Closed To Departure" option is set for a date, the guest cannot make the reservation if the guest due out this day. If the CTD date is included in the staying date of the reservation, but the departure is not equal to the CTD date, the guest is still allowed to book the reservation.

    • Min Stay: Min length of stay of the booking

    • Max Stay: Max length of stay of the booking

  • Status: Active/Inactive

  • Date: Select the date range to apply the restriction

  • Select the day of the week to apply the restriction

  • Add Date Range: Add the date range

  • Select the Room Type and the Rate Plan to apply the restriction

Select Save to apply the changes.

Quick update the restriction

You can set the restriction directly on the Room Management screen.

Select the DC, get to the Rate Plan and Room Type cell on the calendar. Select the type of restriction in the drop-down list.

  • Set by date:

    • Click on the cell and select the type of restriction: Stop Sell/CTA/CTD or enter the number of nights for Min Stay/Max Stay

    • Select Save to save the changes or Reset to skip the changes.

  • Set by range of date:

    • Select the “Quick Bulk Update” icon

    • Select the toggle to activate/inactivate the option Stop Sell/CTA/CTD or enter the number of nights for Min Stay/Max Stay

    • Date: Select the date range to apply the restriction

    • Select the day of the week to apply the restriction

    • Add Date Range: Add the date range

    • Select Save to apply the restriction or Cancel to skip.


Shortcut keys to bulk update Min Stay/Max Stay

  • Press Ctrl + click on the cell to select many cells

  • Press Shift + click on 2 cell to select the range of cells

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