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[Eng] Ticket

Screen Name


Log in – Front Office – Meal/ Package – Select “Ticket


The screen allows you to search, view, and edit the list of services reserved for guests.


Fields Description

[Filter] – Search criteria

  • Keyword: Search by the name of guest

  • Ticket type: Type of ticket

  • Status: Status of the service (Active/Block/Checkout)

  • Start date: Effective Date - End Effective Date of the ticket

[Result] – Search results

  • Guest: Name of the Guest

  • Phone: Guest’s mobile number

  • Card ID: ID of the key card

  • Ticket Type: Type of ticket

  • Ticket frequency: number of times a ticket can use

  • Quantity: number of tickets can use

  • Note: Reference note

  • Status: Status of the service (Active/Block)

  • Start Time: Effective Date of the ticket

  • End Time: End Effective Date of the ticket

Action buttons:

  • Assign card: Assign the card to the service

  • Un-assign card: Un-assign the card from the service

  • Checkout: When the guest leaves the area (pool, gym), they should be checked-out from the services

  • Edit Ticket: Update the information on the ticket

  • View usage history: View the histories of usage of the services

Edit Ticket information

Step 1: Search for a ticket that you want to update, and select “Edit Ticket

Step 2: Update the information below and select the button Submit to save the new information

View usage history: View the histories of usage of the services

Assign Card to a service

Step 1: Select the service that you want to assign the key to, select “Assign Card” to start granting the key.

Step 2: Place the card on the encoder, the system will fill automatically the Card ID and assign it to the service.

Note: The card that has been already assigned to a ticket and not checked out cannot be assigned to another ticket.

UnAssign Card from a service

Step 1: Search for a service that you want to remove from the card, and select “UnAssign Card

Step 2: The system will remove the card and show the success/error message of the action

Checkout the guest from the service

Step 1: Search for a service that you want to checkout guest, and select “Checkout

Step 2: The system will check out the guest from the service and show the success/error message of the action

Edit Ticket information

Step 1: Search for a ticket that you want to update, and select “Edit Ticket

Step 2: Update the information below and select the button Submit to save the new information


The card that has been already assigned to a ticket and this guest is not checked out cannot be assigned to another ticket.

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