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[Eng] Update Allotment Group

Screen Name

Update Allotment Group

Log in – Rate Service Management – Allotment – Tab Allotment – Update Allotment Group


The screen allows you to configure the number of rooms and room types that are opened for sale on the distribution channels.


Fields Description

1. [Tab Info] – General information about the Allotment

  • Code: Code of the allotment

  • Name: Name of the allotment

  • Default Limit of Hotel/Day: Default number of hotel rooms that are available to sell in 1 day

  • Combo Category: A category set to facilitate mapping between Profile/Rate Plan/Allotment.

  • Total Hotel Room: Total number of available rooms during the effective date range of the allotment

  • From Date: Effective from date of the allotment

  • To Date: Effective end date of the allotment

  • Pax/Room: Default number of persons in the room

  • Action:

    • Update: Update the information for allotment

    • Cancel: Cancel editing actions

2. [Tab Detail Config] – Detail configuration

Configure the number of rooms and room types that are opened for sale by date.

  • Column: The number is displayed on each column corresponding to each day in the date range

  • Room Type: Display maximum number of rooms that are opened for sale by room type

  • Actions:

    • Update Detail: Update the details for each date range

    • Quick Bulk Update: Quick Update the number of rooms for a date range

    • Delete: Delete the number of rooms for the selected date and room type

2.1. Select “Update Detail” to configure the number of rooms for a date range

Enter the following information:

  • Max Number of Room: Maximum number of rooms that are available to sell

  • Date: Applied date range

  • Day of Week: Select the days in the week

  • Add Date Range: Add a new date range

  • Room Type: Select the room types to apply

  • Room Tag: Select the room tags

2.2. Grid: Display the details of number of rooms available to sell by date and room type

You can filter by room type(s). Select Clear all filter to clear the filters.

3. [Tab Profile] – Distribution channels of the allotment

3.1 Add DC - Allotment/ Add Profile - Allotment

3.1.1 Select “Add DC” to configure the distribution channels for the allotment

Can search by keyword / Filter by tag

3.1.2 Select “Add Profile” to configure the travel agent profile for the allotment

Can search by keyword / Filter by tag

3.2. List of Distribution channels of the Allotment

The tab displays the information that is configured in the Tab Info

3.3. Configure the Rate Code for the DC

  • Config Rate: Configure the rate code for the distribution channel

  • Delete: Remove a channel from the Allotment Group

3.4. Export and Bulk Update

Export the list of connection configurations between DC - allotment - Travel Agent profile

Allows batch updating of multiple allotment groups by selecting actions to apply to many allotment groups at once



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