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[Eng] Retail Ticket Sales

Screen Name

Retail Ticket Sales

Log in – Ticket Office – Retail Ticket Sales


This screen allows users to perform operations for selling tickets to customers.



Fields Description

To sell tickets, an account must meet the following requirements:
(1) The account needs to be granted the ticket sales function (please contact the IT department for assistance).
(2) The account must complete the opening shift procedure. For more details, please refer to Dashboard

Do following steps for selling tickets:

  • (1) Select the date for selling the service (default to current date).

  • (2) Select distribution channel.

  • (3) Select the price list of the distribution channel selected in step (2)

  • (4) Select the service in the price list selected in step (3)

  • (5) Enter the quantity

  • (6) Enter promotion code, user can choose promotion discount by percentage or discount by amount.

  • (7) To select "Add" to add a service to be sold, after adding a service, the user can proceed to step (4) to sell another service within the same order for the customer.

    • The added services will be displayed in the service section, and the user can increase/decrease the quantity or delete the added services.

  • (8) Payment: Select payment method

  • (9) Select the customer source (Vietnam/Foreign) if needed.

  • (10) Enter additional notes if available.

  • (11) Print cards/tickets: user select “Print Cards/tickets” to assign selected services to cards.

    • (*) To scan or enter the card code, enter the phone number as two required fields in case the customer loses the card, they can enter the phone number to retrieve the ticket information.

    • Select “Confirm” to complete the ticket selling process for the customer.

    • After confirming the order, the system will print a receipt that includes the purchased service information and the ticket code information in QR code format.



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