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[ENG] Past

Screen Name

My Trips – Past

IOS, CHPlay - CiTravel – My Trips – Past


Reservation information “Past” in the CiTravel App


Fields Description

On the "Past" screen, customers can quickly search for a "Room reservation" by entering the itinerary number in the "search" box.

This includes itinerary number in the past that are in the customer's reservation.

On this screen, customers can view detailed information about a "Room reservation," including:

  1. Itinerary number and QR code

  2. Check-in and check-out dates

  3. Room type and price details

  4. Guest info: information of the person who will use the accommodation services

  5. Special request: In case the guest has any special requests, enter the information in the personal request section

  6. Chat with the hotel owner: communicate necessary information during the stay at the accommodation

(7) Cancel reservation



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