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[Eng] Pay Debt

Screen Name

Post Payment

  1. Log in - Front Office - Account Receivable - Pay Debt

  2. Log in - Front Office - Account Receivable - Account - Select an account - Select ““  - Select “Post Payment


The Post Payment screen allows you to manage all AR transactions by Date, Invoice number, Folio Number and Reservation Number. You can search or post payment for a transaction.


Fields Description

[Filter] – Search criteria

  • Account: Select from the AR Accounts list of values

  • Transaction Type: Select a type of transaction

    • All: Show all transactions

    • Payment Only: Show payments only

    • Open invoice and open payment: Show both open invoices and payments

  • Time: Search for transactions during a period of time

  • Confirmation No: Enter the Confirmation Number

  • TA Rec Loc (Travel Agent Record Locator): Enter the Reservation Number from the Travel Agent’s system

  • Guest Name: Enter the name of guest

[Result] – Search results

  • Transaction Date: Posting date of the AR transaction

  • Folio No.: Folio Number of the AR transaction

  • Confirmation No.: Confirmation Number

  • TA Rec Loc: Reservation Number from the Travel Agent’s system

  • Invoice No.: Invoice Number

  • Guest name: Name of guest

  • Transaction Code: Code of the transaction

  • Open Debt: Beginning balance of the invoice

  • Paid Debt: Paid debt amount

  • Outstanding Debt: Outstanding debt amount

  • Reference: Reference note (if any)

  • Invoice Type: Mark the AR invoice issued from a deposit or payment

    • Deposit: post transaction before the guest check-in (with Reservation status is Reserved)

    • Payment: post transaction after the guest checked-in (with Reservation status is In House)

  • Payment Date: Payment date of debts

[Buttons] – Actions

  • Split: Split the AR transaction

  • Create Batch: Group a list of transactions of the same Company/Travel Agent to settle at the same time. See Create Batch for details.

  • Un batch: Un batch the group of transactions from the created batch.

  • Transfer: Transfer a transaction from a Company/Travel Agent’s account to another Company/Travel Agent’s account.

  • Paid Off: Pay off a transaction. See Pay Off for details.

  • Clear Batch: Remove a group of transactions for a Company/Travel Agent.



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