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[Eng] Profile Search

Screen Name

Profile Search

Log in – Front Office – Profiles


The Profiles screen allows you to search the profile for guests (including individual guests, company, and travel agent) following the search criteria.


Fields Description

[Filter] – Search criteria

  • Last Name: Last Name of Guest

  • First Name: First Name of Guest

  • Alias Name: Shorten Name of Guest

  • Doc. Number: Identify of guest or the Tax Number of Company/Travel Agent

  • Address: Address of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Profile Type: Select the type of the profile

    • Guest

    • Company

    • Travel Agent

    • All

  • Phone: Phone Number of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Email: Email of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Status: Current Status of the profile (Active/Inactive)

[Result] – Search results

  • Profile No: Number of the Profile

  • Full Name: Full Name of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Alias Name: Shorten Name of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Doc. Number: Identify of guest or the Tax Number of Company/Travel Agent

  • Email: Email of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Phone: Phone Number of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Address: Address of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Profile Type: Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • AR No.: AR Number (if any)

  • State: Status of the profile (active/inactive)

  • Actions: hover on each profile to access the list of action buttons

    • View: View the details of the profile. See Profile Detail for details.

    • Edit: Edit the details of the profile. See Profile Detail for details.

You can also add a new profile by clicking on the + icon on the top right of the screen

See [Eng] Guest Profile for details



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