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[Eng] User

Screen Name


Log in >> Admin Setting >> User Configurations >> User >> Add User


The screen allows you to create the users and manage the users' permission.


Fields Description

  • Search: Search the list of users by a keyword (email of the user)

  • Email: List of emails of the users in the system

  • Action:

    • Email icon: Send an email to the users with the credential details

    • Trash icon: Remove the user from the system

    • Add User: Add a new user

    • Export: Export the list of users with the details to Excel file

o Export PDF: Export the list of users with the details to PDF file

Add a new user

  • Select Add User

Step 1. User Group: Select the User Group that you want to assign the user. See [Eng] Group for details.

Step 2. Chain: Select the Chain. See [Eng] Chains for details.

Step 3. Property: Select the list of Properties.

Step 4. Add the email of user. You can follow steps 4.1 or 4.2:

(4.1) A. Directly add the email to the system by entering manually the email on the input field

(4.2) B & C. Download the Excel template (B), fill in the email and password in the file >> Select Import (C) to import the Excel file.

  • Click on the toggle to enable to send the email to the user

  • Or you can remove the email from the list by clicking on the Trash icon

Step 5. Select Submit to save the users or Cancel to skip the action.

View the details of user permission

After adding the user to the user group, you will see the list of the users below:

Click on the Email of the user, the system displays the screen below:

(1) Add the property to the user

(2) By default, the permission is activated/inactivated depending on the permission on the user group level. You can adjust for the user.

The user can have 2 roles: Staff and Manager

(3) To add a new user for the group, select “Add User”, and follows the same steps as described above (on the section Add a new user).


  1. For the applications Housekeeping, Laundry, Task management, when assigning the “Manager” role, the users will have access to the administrator menu on the Staff App.

  2. The password should respect the standard (e.g., >= 8 characters, included an uppercase letter, special character and numbers).

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