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[Eng] AR Account Management

Screen Name


Log in – Front Office – Account Receivable – Account


The AR Account screen allows you to manage the credit availability and aging limits of an account or a group of accounts of guests, companies, or travel agents; also the credit card transactions.


Fields Description

[Filter] – Search criteria

  • Filter by Account Number or Account Name

  • Status: Select a radio button to indicate how broad you wish the search to be.

    • All: Show accounts having an open balance and accounts having a zero balance. This is the default.

    • Balance: Show accounts having an outstanding balance only.

    • Not Balance: Show accounts having a zero balance only.

[Results] – Search results

  • Account: Account Code

  • Account Name

  • 0-30 Days: Total outstanding balance with debts period from 0 to 30 days

  • 31-60 Days: Total outstanding balance with debts period from 31 to 60 days

  • 61-90 Days: Total outstanding balance with debts period from 61 to 90 days

  • 91-180 Days: Total outstanding balance with debts period from 91 to 180 days

  • > 180 Days: Total outstanding balance with debts period > 180 days

  • Total: Total outstanding balance for all periods

  • Actions:

    • Edit: Edit the details of AR Account

    • Post Payment: See [Eng] Pay Debt for details

    • Payment History: See Paid History for details

    • Statement: Select to see and print the statement for each account

[Buttons] – Action buttons

  • New Account: Add a new AR Account. See New Account for details.



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