The Reservations screen is made up of following sections:
Unassigned: Reservations that are not assigned the room number.
Arrival: Reservations that will arrive today.
In-house: Reservations that are in-house.
Due out: Reservations that will be checked out today.
Checked-out: Reservations that are checked out today.
Canceled: Reservations that will arrive today but are canceled.
No Show: Reservations that will arrive today but not arrive.
Fields Description
Check “Included Sharers” to display also the sharers in the reservations list.
Check “Include pseudo room” to display also the pseudo rooms in the reservations list.
The reservation screen allows you to search for a reservation by the following criteria:
IT No.: Itinerary Number, links you to the itinerary details page.
Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the confirmation details page.
Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the Profile details page.
T.Agent: Name of the Travel Agent.
Room: Room Number.
Date: allow you to search for a reservation by date. By default, the list displays the reservations of today.
For the tabs Checked Out, Cancel, No Show, you can also choose a different date from the past.
The system allows you to search by many values of the ITI. Number, Room Number, Confirmation Number,…(up to 10 values), separated by the “,”. For example:
Filter by Confirmation Number:
Filter by Room Number:
Filter by Guest Name:
Tab Unassigned – List of reservations that are not assigned a room
IT No.: Itinerary Number, links you to the itinerary details page.
Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the confirmation details page.
Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the Profile details page.
Persons: Number of guests in the reservation.
Room: Room Number, Room Type and Room Status (with color code). You can also assign the room number from this screen.
Arrival: Expected Arrival Date of guests.
Departure: Expected Departure Date of guests.
T.Agent: Name of Travel Agent.
Company: Name of Company.
Balance: Total balance on the guest’s folio.
Rate code: Rate Code applied for this reservation.
Rate: Total rate of this reservation.
Block Code: Code of the Group reservation.
Actions: Hover each row of reservations to get the list of possible actions.
When selecting a reservation in the Unassigned list, the application enables 3 actions: Assign (assign room number), Print (Print Registration Card) and Cancel (Cancel Reservation).
[Tab Arrival] – List of expected arrivals during the day
IT No.: Itinerary Number, links you to the itinerary details page.
Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the confirmation details page.
Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the Profile details page.
Persons: Number of guests in the reservation.
Room: Room Number, Room Type and Room Status (with color code). You can also assign the room number from this screen.
Arrival: Expected Arrival Date of guests.
Departure: Expected Departure Date of guests.
T.Agent: Name of Travel Agent.
Company: Name of Company.
Balance: Total balance on the guest’s folio.
Rate code: Rate Code applied for this reservation.
Rate: Total rate of this reservation.
Block Code: Code of the Group reservation.
Actions: when selecting a reservation, the application displays the possible actions enabled for this reservation, such as: Check-in, Print Registration Card, Cancel Reservation, View Messages, View Traces, View Routing, View Fixed Charges. You can perform directly from this screen and don’t need to go to the confirmation details page.
[Tab In-house] – List of in-house reservations
IT No.: Itinerary Number, links you to the itinerary details page.
Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the confirmation details page.
Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the Profile details page.
Persons: Number of guests in the reservation.
Room: Room Number, Room Type and Room Status (with color code). You can also assign the room number from this screen.
Arrival: Expected Arrival Date of guests.
Departure: Expected Departure Date of guests.
T.Agent: Name of Travel Agent.
Company: Name of Company.
Balance: Total balance on the guest’s folio.
Rate code: Rate Code applied for this reservation.
Rate: Total rate of this reservation.
Block Code: Code of the Group reservation.
(1) Room Check: Check the room’ status with the Housekeeping to verify if the room is available at the check-in time.
(2) Billing: Open the billing of the reservation. See Guest Folio
(3) Routing: View the list of enabled routing for this reservation or create a new routing. See Khai báo routing (Routing)
When selecting a reservation in the In-House tab, the application displays the possible actions enabled for this reservation, such as: Check-out, Billing, View Routing, View Fixed Charges, Move Room, View Messages and View Traces. You can perform directly from this screen and don’t need to go to the confirmation details page.
[Tab Due Out] – List of expected departure of today
IT No.: Itinerary Number, links you to the itinerary details page.
Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the confirmation details page.
Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the Profile details page.
Persons: Number of guests in the reservation.
Room: Room Number, Room Type and Room Status (with color code). You can also assign the room number from this screen.
Arrival: Expected Arrival Date of guests.
Departure: Expected Departure Date of guests.
T.Agent: Name of Travel Agent.
Company: Name of Company.
Balance: Total balance on the guest’s folio.
Rate code: Rate Code applied for this reservation.
Rate: Total rate of this reservation.
Block Code: Code of the Group reservation.
(1) Room Check: Check the room’ status with the Housekeeping to verify if the room is available at the check-in time.
(2) Billing: Open the billing of the reservation. See Guest Folio
(3) Routing: View the list of enabled routing for this reservation or create a new routing. See Khai báo routing (Routing)
(4) Check out: Check out guest.
When selecting a reservation in the Due Out tab, the application displays the possible actions enabled for this reservation, such as: Check-out, Billing, View Routing, View Messages and View Traces. You can perform directly from this screen and don’t need to go to the confirmation details page.
[Tab Checked Out] – List of checked-out reservations
IT No.: Itinerary Number, links you to the itinerary details page.
Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the confirmation details page.
Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the Profile details page.
Persons: Number of guests in the reservation.
Room: Room Number, Room Type and Room Status (with color code). You can also assign the room number from this screen.
Checked-out at: Date & Time when the guest checked out.
T.Agent: Name of Travel Agent.
Company: Name of Company.
Rate code: Rate Code applied for this reservation.
Rate: Total rate of this reservation.
Block Code: Code of the Group reservation.
Billing: Open the billing of the reservation. See Guest Folio
When selecting a reservation in the Checked-Out tab, the application displays the possible actions enabled for this reservation, such as: Billing and View Traces. You can perform directly from this screen and don’t need to go to the confirmation’s detail page.
[Tab Canceled] – List of canceled reservations
IT No.: Itinerary Number, links you to the itinerary details page.
Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the confirmation details page.
Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the Profile details page.
Persons: Number of guests in the reservation.
T.Agent: Name of Travel Agent.
Company: Name of Company.
Canceled at: Date & Time when the reservation is canceled.
Reason: Reason why the reservation is canceled.
Reference: Reference text of the cancelation.
Block Code: Code of the Group reservation.
Billing: Open the billing of the reservation. See Guest Folio
[Tab No Show] – List of no-show reservations
IT No.: Itinerary Number, links you to the itinerary details page.
Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the confirmation details page.
Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the Profile details page.
Persons: Number of guests in the reservation.
Room: Room Number, Room Type and Room Status (with color code). You can also assign the room number from this screen.
Arrival: Expected Arrival Date of guests.
Departure: Expected Departure Date of guests.
T.Agent: Name of Travel Agent.
Company: Name of Company.
Rate code: Rate Code applied for this reservation.
Rate: Total rate of this reservation.
Block Code: Code of the Group reservation.
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