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[Eng] Guest Folio

Screen Name


  1. Log in – Front Office – Reservation – Tab In-house – Click on Billing icon

  2. Log in – Front Office – Reservation – Tab Checked Out – Click on Billing icon

  3. Log in – Front Office – Press “Ctrl + Space” to go to the Master Search – Select Conf. No. – Click on Billing icon


The Billing screen allows you to manage all the transactions posted to the guest’s bill, separated by multiple windows. You can open a new window to post transactions for your convenience or to meet the guest’s billing needs.


Fields Description

General information (1):

  • Room: Room Number

  • Arrival - Departure Date

  • Total Balance: Current balance of the guest’s bill

  • Routing: Routings that are declared for this reservation

  • Reservation Status

List of guest’s folios (2):

List of guest’s folios and the balance for the transactions on each folio, you can select a folio to focus the curser to the detailed transactions of the selected folio, such as:

  • Name of folio

  • Balance of the folio

  • Total Balance: Total balance

  • Actions:

Detailed transactions (3):

  • Name of folio: The default is the name of the guest’s profile when creating the folio

  • Order number: Windows are identified by number (1), (2), (3), (4) and so on

  • Detailed transactions:

    • Date Time: Date and Time when posting the transaction

    • Transaction Name: Name of transaction

    • Amount: Amount of transaction

    • Reference: Reference note when posting the transaction

  • Action: Click on ““ to open the actions menu.

    • Open transaction: Go to the details screen of the transaction. See Transaction Detail

    • Transfer: Transfer the transaction to another folio. See Single Transfer

    • Post an opposite transaction: Post a transaction with a negative amount to reverse a charge, in case of promotion or adjustment.

    • Split transaction: Split the transaction by amount or by %. See Split transaction

    • Print receipt: Print out the receipt for the selected transaction.


  • Print Folio: Print out all guest’s folios

  • Check-out: Check out guest

  • Deposit: Post an advance deposit pre-payment that guests make prior to their stays. The button is disabled when the reservation has been already checked in. See Add Deposit

  • Payment: Post a payment transaction. See Add Payment

  • Charge: Post a charge transaction. See Charge

  • Options: Click on ““ to open the additional menu

  • Routing: Define a new routing instruction for this reservation, which lets you automatically forward charges to the company or travel agents at the time of posting. See Routing

  • Transfer: Transfer the transaction between different folios, rooms, or guests. See Multiple Transfer

  • Fixed Charge: Define a fixed charge that will be automatically posted to the guest’s bill when running the night audit routine. See Fixed Charge

  • Advance Bill: Allows you to post in advance the room charge for the next days. See Advance Bill



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