Main Guest: Name of the main guest, links you to Profile.
Arrival: Arrival Date
Departure: Departure Date. You can update the departure date of the booking (shorten or extend) as necessary.
Nights: Number of staying days.
ETA: Expected Time of Arrival. You can update the ETA as necessary.
ETD: Expected Time of Departure. You can update the ETD as necessary.
Status: Reservation Status
Routing: View the list of enabled routing for this reservation.
Group Code: Code of the group if this is a group reservation, links you to the Group Reservation.
Actions: Click on the pen to update the Departure date
Details information (2)
Confirmation No.: Confirmation Number
Ref Number: Reference Number
TA Rec Loc: Travel Agent Record Locator
License plate: License plate of the guest’s vehicle in case you have parking at this property
Room: Room Number
Room Type: Room Type associated with the reservation
RTC (Room to Charge): Room Type to charge. It allows the system to place the guest in one room type but charge for another room type on the same rate code.
Persons: Number of guests
DNM (Do Not Move): Check the DNM if you want to block the moving room on this room.
Auto check-in: Check the auto check-in if you want the system to clone automatically this reservation to a pseudo reservation and auto check-in it when running the night audit.
DND (Do not disturb): Check the DND if you want to mark this room as do not disturb. When checking this option, the system will block all the calls to this room.
Total Amount: Total price of the reservation, with a table of summary (Rate Summary):
All rate summary: this toggle allows you to display the rate for all staying days or only from today. This defaults to today and tomorrow’s dates.
Back: back to the Confirmation Detail screen
Date: Staying Date
Rate Code: Rate Code applied on each staying day
Occupancy: Number of guests
Room revenue: Revenue from the room
Package: Price of package
Total: Total amount of 1 night (included room revenue and package price)
Extra Packages: Price of additional packages
Total Amount: Total amount of 1 night (included room revenue, package price and extra package price)
Stay Total: Total amount of all staying days
Rate Code: Rate Code associated with the reservation. Hover the mouse on the ? to see the details.
Packages: Total price of the packages. Click on the amount to see the details.
Balance: Total balance on the guest’s folio.
Payment: Method of payment. You can add here a new method.
Payment method: Select from the Payment methods list of values
Credit card name: Name of the cardholder
Credit card number: Serial of the credit card
CVV: CVV Number
Expired Date: Expiry Date of the credit card
Primary payment method: Check this option if this is a default payment method
No post: Check No post option to prohibit posting charges against the reservation. This option is not applied for the minibar posting.
Print Rate: Check Print Rate option if you want the rate amount to be displayed on the Registration card (*)
Displays the information about the E-invoice Amount:
Total amount can invoice
Total invoiced amount
Remaining amount
Actual remaining amount
No of transaction can invoice
No of transaction are invoiced
No of remaining transaction
Actual remaining transaction
(1) Edit the Rate Amount or the number of guests (edit from the Rate Summary screen)
By clicking the pen icon, the screen below will appear:
(2) Edit Rate Code: update the rate code for all staying days
Attention: You should enter the rate code in uppercase (For example: BABB)
(3) Edit Package: update the package for each staying day
(4)Promotion: Update the promotion or campaign for the reservation
Comment & Guest Comment (3)
Internal comment, used for the property to communicate between different department/employee.
You can enter the comment for each reservation or apply for all reservations in the same itinerary.
2. Guest Comment
External comment come from different sources (CRS, Guest App,…)
Used for tracking the guest’s requests and is displayed on various reports like: Report Arrival/Guest In-house rate check/Guest In-house; or appear as comment when cloning Booking/cross-selling, activity logs; or used for external application like PCM/import Booking/create booking.
You can enter the comment for each reservation or apply for all reservations in the same itinerary.
Inventory (4)
Click on the '+' icon to add a new item to the room
Check the field “Auto-create Runner Task on Task Management” to auto-create a task for Runner (from Task Management application) when adding a new item.
Quick Tasks (5)
Click on the right arrow to view the details of Quick Task
Select Create Quick Task to create a new task
Special Request (6):
Add Special Requests:
Select one or many requests from the Special Requests list of values.
Allow free text entry in the Special Request field in the Booking Confirmation Detail:
On the Confirmation Details screen, the Special Request field will allow users to enter free text without needing to pre-configure fixed Special Request codes.
Instructions for configuring to use the free text Special Request feature:
Access the Admin settings Application → Set up → General → Specials
In the search box: Search for the keyword "free text" → Click the pencil icon in the action column to adjust → In the "STATUS" function button: Select enable or disable as needed.
Enable: Allows users to enter free text in the Special Request field.
Disable: Does not allow users to enter free text in the Special Request field (Only pre-created Special Requests can be selected from the list).
Special Requests entered as "free text" will be displayed in a green tag frame to differentiate them from pre-configured Special Requests (blue tags).
A maximum of 100 characters is allowed.
Free text will be displayed in the modules that use this data (e.g., CiPOS)
The Special Requests are synchronized with the FnB/POS application.
When entering a special request from CiHMS PMS:
The Waiter/Waitress will see this information from the CiHMS FnB/POS application when checking the in-house guests.
Additional information (7):
Market: The market associated with reservation
Source: The source associated with reservation
Origin: The origin associated with reservation
Purpose of Stay: The purpose of stay associated with reservation
Company: The name of Company associated with reservation. Click on “Add Company” to look up and select from the Companies list of values.
Travel Agent: The name of Travel Agent associated with reservation. Click on “Add Company” to look up and select from the Travel Agents list of values.
Booker: Name of the booker
Email: Email of the booker
Mobile: Phone number of the booker
[Tab Guests] – List of guests of the reservation
Displays the list and the information of the guests.
General information (1):
Confirmation No.: Confirmation Number
Arrival: Arrival Date
Nights: Number of nights
Departure: Departure Date
Room: Room Number
Status: Reservation Status (For example: In-house 1/2 means the reservation has 2 staying guests and there is 1 guest checked-in)
Main guest details (2):
Full Name: Full Name of guest
Verified: The guest is verified and linked to an existing profile in the system
Unverified: The guest is not verified and not linked to any profile in the system
Birthday: Date of birth
ID Document: Identity Document
Phone: Phone Number
Last Stay: Last staying date on this property
Hotel Name: Name of the property of the last stay
Link mobile user: In case the guest has an account on the Guest application “My Vinpearl”, you can link the mobile’s account to the guest’s profile to synchronize the information between 2 systems.
Check-in: Check in guest. This button is only enabled when the arrival date is today and the reservation is not checked-in. See Check-in.
Cancel Check-in: Cancel the check-in and send the reservation back to the Reserved state.
Link profile: Link the guest to an existing profile in the system.
Edit profile: Update the guest’s profile.
Change guest information: Update the arrival and departure of guests, also the medical code (for declaration COVID-19 for example)
Meal detail: Details of meal’s package available for this reservation
List of sharers (3):
The same as the main guest. You can also remove a sharer’s profile or click on “Cancel Check-in” to cancel the check-in of each sharer in the reservation.
This button allows you to move the sharer from one room to another room.
Only allows to move when the destination room has the same room type.
When moving the sharer, all the folio of this guest will be moved to the new room too.
All the Routing or Fixed charges setup for this guest will be removed.
Only allows to move the sharer having status In-house.
After moving, the sharer will inherit all the packages/benefits (included add-on package) of the new room.
When moving, the new arrival date of this sharer is the current business date, and the new departure date is the departure date of the reservation.
You can also click on “Set as Main Guest” to switch the sharer to the main guest.
Search and link profiles (4):
At the Confirmation details screen → Guests tab → Click on the "link profile" icon
The system will automatically fill in the guest's profile information in each field. Users can re-enter the information they want to search or enter keywords for other information to search.
The system supports searching by: Phone number Email Nationality: Select from the displayed list of nationalities, manual input is not allowed ID Card Number Name Search text: Enter Profile No, Phone number, ID Card Number, or Name to perform a search
Function buttons: New: Create a new profile Clear: Clear all search data
[Buttons] – Action buttons
Check-in: Check in guest. This button is only enabled when the guest is not checked-in. See Check-in.
Check-out: Check out guest. This button is only enabled when the guest is in-house.
Cancel Check-in: Cancel check in the main guest. The reservation will change the status from In-house to Reserved and move from In-house to Arrival Tab. This button is only enabled when the guest is in-house and the balance is not equal to 0.
Move Room
You can move/upgrade a room
View/add an alert for this reservation. See Alert.
Print Registration Card: Print or Download the Registration Card (as PDF).
Wake up calls: Setup wake up calls by request. See Wake up calls
Clone booking: Clone all the information about a reservation.
Re-sync meal: Synchronize the meal for a reservation when a new package is added.
Re-sync reservation: Synchronize the reservation when a new package/meal is added.
Fixed charge: View or add fixed charge (you don’t need to login as Cash Register). See Add Fixed Charge
Routing: View or add routing (you don’t need to login as Cash Register). See Add Routing
[Tab Calling Histories]
[Tab Activity log]
From - To: Select the period when the actions are recorded.
Description: Search by Confirmation Number, Itinerary Number, Main Guest, TA Rec Loc…
Username: Search by the user that performed the actions.
Room number: Search by the room number on this the actions are recorded.
E-mail: Search by email of the user that performed the actions.
(*) At the Confirmation Detail screen, when you enable the toggle Print Rate, the rate code will be displayed on the Guest Registration Form and the Billing Information
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